30 Football Comedy Sketches in 30 Days

Throughout June, I am posting a new comedy sketch every single day on Tik Tok and Instagram. These are all scripts that I have written, and I am collaborating with some of the best actors I know, most of whom I met through my showreels from scratch service.

In the first seven days alone, we have had over three million views; and it’s exciting to see where this leads over the rest of the month.

Marshall Comedy Sketch

The project is a great chance for me to try out different writing ideas. The good thing about doing this for 30 days is that there’s no time to get too self-critical about any of the sketches. Some will flop, some will be hits.

Most enjoyable of all has been filming with talented actors who I’ve met over the past few years. Included in the cast is: Thomas Sansone, Abby Carter, Aaron Gordon, Melissa White, Grace Sinclair, Tom Isted, Stephen Mitchell, Stephanie Marion Wood, Natalie Hughes and Abby Carter.

Football Sketches Daniel Johnson

The series is comprised mostly of standalone pieces, but there are a few recurring characters, such as Thomas Sansone as a diehard fan of Marshall Soccer, and Stephen Mitchell as a rich American owner of a Premier League club.

Sketches are released daily on my TikTok and on Instagram.

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Daniel Johnson
Writer, Director, Author