30 Days, 30 Videos, 30 Million Views

Throughout June, I released a new comedy sketch on Tik Tok and Instagram every single day. The football-themed videos were a way for me to show my creativity, and to showcase some of the many wonderful actors I have met, predominantly through my showreels from scratch service.

At the time of writing, the videos have over 30 million views between the two platforms. Our sketches were written about in the media, and featured on radio. Even now, in mid July, the videos are still being spread by thousands of people.

I wrote the majority of the scripts towards the end of May, and shot them over two filming days late in the month. Then, later in June, when we were more than half way through the project, I filmed the remaining sketches to get us to the thirty day mark.

Daniel Johnson writing comedy sketches

Writing so many scripts to be released so quickly is a real learning curve. I cared about the quality of each script, of course, but I was aware that some would be more popular than others. When you make thirty of anything in thirty days — especially for public consumption — you learn to become impervious to criticism. You have no choice but to keep on, by making the next day’s video.

  • This project wouldn’t be possible without great actors. Not only did I need talented actors, but I needed performers who were comfortable working in this ad-hoc way; where lines would often need to be learned at a moments notice. Many of these actors filmed six or seven sketches in one day! These guys excelled in working in this way. If you need reliable and hilarious actors, who swiftly learn lines and are able to bring their A-game under challenging circumstances, then you should definitely take a closer look at Grace Sinclair, Abby Carter, Tom Sansone, Tom Isted, Natalie Hughes, Damian Cooper, Aaron Gordon, Stephen Mitchell, Stephanie Marion and Melissa White.

The sketches were talked about on TalkSport Radio (on the Paul Ross show) and were also written about in the Herald-Dispatch. I have received messages from people all over the world complimenting the sketches. Naturally, the videos did well in the UK, and many of the sketches referenced US college soccer and MLS; so we got many views there – but some of the most popular locations for our videos were Nigeria, India and South Africa. It’s exciting to reach viewers in so many places.

It’s mad to think that these fun sketches that I wrote, which we filmed over a few days (mostly in my living room!), have reached thirty million people. In uncertain times for creatives, it’s exciting to know that you can find a huge audience just by getting some talented friends together and doing something creative.

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Daniel Johnson
Writer, Director, Author