I Will Make a Short Film in 7 Days. Get Involved! #7DayFilm

Tomorrow, on Monday 20th March, I will write a short film. I’ll have it cast by Tuesday.

The main filming day will be Friday 24th. I may also do a little filming on the evening of Weds 22nd, depending on actor availability. But this all depends on what I write, and until Monday, I’ll have no idea.

I will edit on Sunday night into Monday morning (26th/27th).

I will release the film on the internet on the evening of Monday 27th March 2017. One week from the date I’ve written the script.

What I need in order to achieve this is, actors! And, locations!

Actors! If you’re available on Friday 24th and interested in being in this very experimental project, please email me. Showreel is ESSENTIAL so please send a link to your reels! dj@danieljohnsonfilms.co.uk.

I need filming locations! So if you fancy donating your flat/office/cafe/private airplane as a filming location please let me know.

I want to get a real sense of locations and interested actors prior to writing the short screenplay on Monday. Then we’ll see what I come up with!

The social media hashtag for this will be #7DayFilm. Please use this and share it and help us get traction. Who ‘us’ is I don’t know because right now this project is just me but by the end, who knows, I hope to drag some crazy creative people along for the journey!


Script Written: Monday 20th.
Casting decided: Tuesday 21st.
Filming: Friday 24th (possibly a little on Weds 22nd).
Editing: Sunday 26th/Monday 27th.
Release: Monday 27th.

Even though I’m calling this the seven day project it’s more like a 3 day film because my schedule only has three clear days; 20th, 24th, 27th, but no need to make excuses, I’ll get this made.

I’ll also submit this film to some festivals and an IMDb credit is guaranteed.

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Daniel Johnson
Writer, Director, Author