
Finding an Audience on TikTok

In recent weeks I have been posting comedy sketches on TikTok. Like most of my generation, I was skeptical at first. But once I made the leap, I realised how powerful it was. As a filmmaker you are constantly chasing an audience – rarely getting the views you feel you

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Big Apple Film Festival Screenplay Finalist

My TV Pilot screenplay ‘Be Careful’ was a finalist in this year’s Big Apple Film Festival. I have always had a big affinity for New York and have attended the Big Apple Film Festival many times, so to have one of my scripts reach the final stage was a big

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Showreel Scenes and Casting Types

The worst thing you can do when creating scenes is to be too generic. Quite often you’ll see a scene that is shot well – it looks pretty – and maybe features a couple of quirky characters, but they’re not really doing anything, they have no goals, and they don’t

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an actor showreel shoot

The Creative Year Ahead

I started the year with some resolutions, primarily based around my screenwriting goals. Writing has always been my strength – the thing that comes the most easily to me. When I started out, it meant creating short films constantly. As my craft for writing scenes improved, it naturally led its

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Showreel Shoot

The Best Possible You

There’s a version of you that isn’t distracted, that isn’t stuck on what to do or say. It’s a version of you that runs on instinct, backed up by years of learning and honing. It’s the you that was there on your very best day. And it’s the yearning you

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Should Actors Use Different Accents on their Showreels?

I have written about nearly every facet of showreel creation over the years, but have written very little about accents. What to do with accents is very difficult for actors – some want to hide their accent, some want to show they can do many accents, and some can’t do

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Daniel Johnson
Writer, Director, Author
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